Inspire hope

Bring a fresh perspective on Men’s Mental Health, Trauma, Addiction, & Plant Medicine to your event.

Ryan M. Graves

Men's Life & Psychedelic Integration Coach

From an early age, men are conditioned not to express their feelings. Too often, they turn to drugs, alcohol, or other escapes to numb or ignore their emotions. 

Mental health speaker and author, Ryan M. Graves speaks about his personal experience with addiction and PTSD and how he opened the door to healing and personal growth with the help of sacred plant medicines. 

Inspire hope in your attendees with the harrowing account of how Ryan healed to become the man he was destined to be.

Interested in bringing me to your conference, retreat, or event?

About the speaker

As someone who formerly battled addiction and PTSD, Ryan’s work is dedicated to empowering men with similar stories to take control of their lives. 

With vast experience in the field of psychedelics, he offers first-hand knowledge and wisdom, as well as a deep spiritual connection to these medicines, making his approach authentic and unique. 

Get a fresh perspective on how sacred plant medicine can positively impact lives, leaving listeners eager to learn more and feeling optimistic about healing.

Book Ryan for your event and give your audience fresh perspectives on...

Addiction and PTSD

Traditional methods of overcoming addiction and trauma often fail. Provide your attendees with a ground-breaking approach to overcoming addiction and PTSD. Invite Ryan to share his story about the power of psychedelic healing.

Childhood and Generational Trauma

Men don’t talk about childhood trauma. And, it’s time they did. Raise awareness as to how traumatic childhood events and generational conditioning play a significant role in our mental health.

The Potential of Sacred Plant Medicine

As psychedelic healing continues to gain steam worldwide, Ryan offers insights into the safe, effective use of these potent and critical medicines and their ability to help men heal and make lasting change.

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